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Seminar: Democratizing Public Policy.
In February 2024, we were invited by Axya Consultores and Watson Institute to participate in their prestigious seminar at the Senate of...

Equality Plans... A Goal for 2024
This year, we decided to focus on influencing companies with the goal of promoting the creation of violence-free spaces. We are extremely...

Stalking - CNDH
The National Human Rights Commission of Mexico invited us to the panel on the importance of stalking and the presentation of the...

EMBAJADORES 2030 - Nuevo León
The Institute of Youth of Nuevo León honored us with an invitation to deliver a conference at the prestigious offices of the United...

"Contacto Mujer" Police Training
In October 2023, we commenced the training of police officers in Mexico City who serve as the first point of contact in assisting women...

Watson Institute
In October 2023, Nosotras para Ellas was selected as one of the 12 Mexican social projects to participate in an acceleration program....

Stalking as a crime in Jalisco
In September, continuing with the project on stalking in Mexico, we moved to Jalisco to hold a discussion with local deputies and...

Feminist activism - Oaxaca
In August 2023, we were invited by the civil association 100XOaxaca to participate in a conference on the relevance of initiating...

Summit Changemakers G20
The G20 organized a youth forum as a prelude to its summit, providing a platform for young people from the 20 member countries to share...

High Level Political Forum - UN
In July 2023, we had the honor of representing Mexico at the United Nations High-Level Political Forum held at its headquarters in New...

Study trip to Canada to explore aspects related to stalking and shelters
In June, we undertook a study trip to Ottawa, Canada. Throughout this experience, we had the opportunity to meet various authorities from...

Audio Book: Am I a Victim of Gender-Based Violence?
In July 2023, we released our audiobook on the Beek platform, being the first to address the topics of gender-based violence and...

We Can - Mexicali
In April 2023, in response to an invitation from the civil organization 'SELIDER MEXICALI,' we presented the conference 'We Can' to...

MTV, Paramount Plus, and Plan International joined forces to launch a promotional campaign addressing gender-based violence every 8th day...

"SEVEN," play
In March, we organized a panel discussion following the dramatic reading of 'SEVEN,' a play that brings to light gender-based violence...

Contingenta Sorora
This year, in collaboration with various organizations and collectives, we coordinated one of the most attended contingents in Mexico...

Drink and Draw: 8M Poster Edition
At the beginning of March, we carried out this project as preparation for the march, which included an event with various activities. We...

Stalking as a Crime in Nuevo León
In February 2023, we relocated to Nuevo León to hold a roundtable discussion with local activists, state deputies, and representatives...

Stalking as a Crime in Coahuila
In February 2023, we headed to Coahuila to engage in discussions with legislators, judges, and deputies regarding the importance of...

Stalking as a Crime in Yucatán
In February 2023, we traveled to Mérida alongside the Ministry of Justice of Canada to conduct various forums. The first one involved...
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