Nosotras para Ellas is a Mexican civil association founded in August 2021. The main objective of the association is to eradicate gender-based violence in Mexico. To achieve this goal, we work through four different axes:
Legal counseling: We provide guidance in criminal and family law, especially in cases related to sexual and domestic violence. Our legal advice is completely free and can be requested by all women in any state of the Mexican Republic.
Psychological support: The support we offer aims to make legal processes healthier for the user. Through this assistance, we promote the support, empowerment, and strength necessary to make decisions during these processes, providing security throughout.
Conferences, courses, workshops, and training: One of our ways to contribute to prevention is to promote a change in mentality. For this reason, we actively engage in listening, research, and resolution, as well as in providing information to both the public and private sectors. We offer these services throughout Mexico with the purpose of challenging thoughts generated by stereotypes, promoting equality, sharing knowledge, and promoting best practices.
Advocacy and creation of initiatives for laws and public policies: Prevention is aimed at developing improvements in the judicial system and formulating policies focused on citizenship. We collaborate with state and federal congresses and governments to create better opportunities and reinforce women's rights.

Our goal is to make the Mexican justice system accessible to all women in the country. We also aim to influence public policies to advance the progressive guarantee of women's rights, improving institutions, processes, and the attention provided by authorities to women who are victims or survivors of gender-based violence.